". . .stories don't mean anything when you've got no one to tell them to. . ."

Saturday, June 19, 2010

a thought by any other name. . .

i find myself wondering what story to tell you. . .

do I tell you about the toothless grinning korean man in a sombrero singing to himself as he rode his bike down the alley, and left me smiling for the better part of the day?? (well, I guess I just did)

hmmmmm. . . .

should I go on about the World Cup, and the incredible weekend that involved witnessing Koreans beating Greeks on a relatively large screen high above an empty field surrounded by thousands of Koreans in red horns banging blue sticks together, followed by a Shisha bar, men in cardboard masks, the repetition of "da-dum-dumdum Nah-Ham Dayu!", and stumbling into the abandoned streets of a gray morning after the U.S. tied with England--a moment that included a man in a white dress sleeping soundly on a table.???

or should I elaborate on the stifling heat that even this southerner has trouble coping with?? My pores have literally turned into faucets and it is none too pretty when they get going. . .

do I tell you that I have Explosions in the Sky playing right now, and they are stirring the memory pool. . .

do I tell you that I went for a wander that lasted three hours and included a river, a funny little man who tried to bring me to the Lord in Korean--at least I think it was the Lord, he could've been selling my soul to the devil. . .and my vain attempt to understand a board game of sorts that involves white and black pieces and little old men.

maybe I should impart to you that most of the time, my students make my day. . .and most of the time my only goal is to make them laugh. . .but let's not let the company find out about that. . . my job is English not humor.

or perhaps I could tell you that the worst thing in the morning is a mosquito buzzing loudly by by my ear. . .

i could tell you about my introduction to the comedy sketches of Steve Brule. . .

or my favorite new joke. . .what is Beethoven's favorite fruit? BA-NA-NA-NA!

oooh. . .or that I had a conversation with my sister, that still has me laughing as she reminded me of some very specific moments of our cross country road trip from Montana to South Kackalacky. . .that involved a car, a truck, a lot of stuff, some rain, a crazy person, two funny mechanics and one very unfortunate incident and I am not talking about the car accident.

i could also mention that I went to an open-mic night at a local bar on wednesday and heard some really lovely music by teachers I work with, and other expats sharing their talents. . .moments like that always make me wish I would've kept playing. . .what a gift to be able to pick up an instrument and create through it. . .I envy that talent. My creativity relies on the words of others and the communion of a cast. . .I can't exercise it at any moment--and this is why I find myself writing more and more these days. . . .

or should i tell you, that I think I have nothing to say right now??

but looking back, I guess I had more than I thought. No need to pontificate on any one thing I suppose, but rather just lay it all out as it comes to mind.

No elaboration. . .

No poetry. . .

No padding. . .

Just thoughts as they come. . .

yes. . .yes. . .yes. . .that is what I will leave my three readers with tonight. . .just a bunch of flibbertygibbit ramblings. . .

you are welcome. . .

and of course a quote. . .now because music is my most passionate obsession, and I've had so many new musical discoveries in the past few weeks, I have to leave you with one of my favorite musical quotes. . .

"I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain. Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music." --George Eliot (a female novelist, mind you:))

be well my furry friends.

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