". . .stories don't mean anything when you've got no one to tell them to. . ."

Monday, May 17, 2010

ramblin' wo-man...

I want to tell you so much about this fantastical place. . .

the sounds. . .

the smells (which aren't always good, mind you)

the sights. . .

the people. . .

the things I am ridiculous about. . .

I just don't know how. . .as always, the necessary words escape me (but when I find myself talking about something unimportant and silly, I have too many words)--nature is a cruel she-devil.

I liken myself to this. . .have you ever been walking down the street, the sidewalk, or the park, and find yourself behind a pigeon. The pigeon is walking ahead of you, and suddenly senses you behind him. . .he falters in his steps. . .he goes left. . .he goes right. . .he pauses. . .he walks really fast. . .he slows down. . .he tries to determine, which direction is out of your way. . .and then he sees a bread crumb, and forgets you were ever even there. . .and then you step on him, because you never even noticed him (okay, that last bit was just to amuse myself)

in truth. . .i'm that pigeon. I am overwhelmed by all the possibilities, and I never know which direction to go.

Life in general overwhelms me. I think it is a miraculous thing, and as many times as I wish to be done with it because it scares the hell out of me, I am so glad I am still here.

But being in Korea. . .well I am even more bewildered by life, and I am so thankful for it. I am amazed every day. It's not to say that life back in the states didn't amaze me all the time. I mean, how does that man on the side of the street boil peanuts to such perfection? and how does the mail man/woman get all the mail to us by a certain time every day? I don't know! These are some of life's many mysteries. . .

From a girl in the state of wonderment over life's simplicity, you can imagine that Korea presents even more fascinating dilemmas. . .

Toilet tissue has been issue for me. . .perhaps because I don't own a car, and I don't want to haul a 20 pack of tissue 2 miles. Furthermore, who--living on her own--needs 20 roles of toilet tissue?? Thankfully, my company set me up with a couple of rolls, but it is getting dangerously close to the end of those roles. Also, I constantly wonder if I can flush said toilet tissue down the the toilet. . .Korea isn't known for its septic system, and so many places ask that you kindly dispose of toilet tissue in the receptacle located to the right of the toilet. This doesn't bother me too much, many countries are this way. . .but I wonder, who's system am I messing up if I accidentally flush my toilet tissue down my toilet. . .after all, I've been known to drink some adult beverages from time to time. . .

My thoughts are definitely broader than this. . .I mean I spent all of yesterday wandering the Seouman Market with two beautiful friends, and came across an array of delightful things. . .again, with the smells, the sights, and the sounds. . .I want you to feel the experience, but words don't do it justice. . .regardless. . .here is my go at it. . .

It is warm out--a good 80 degrees Fahrenheit, with a soft breeze. This breeze offers the smell of vegetables ripening on a windowsill with a hint of garbage and sewage, but you find yourself softening to it. . .you wander down the warming street. The crowd is becoming dense, people bump you and nudge you, and there are sounds of vendors tempting you to buy their goods but the words are foreign. . .however, there is a rhythm to it, and you are comforted by it. You see a bend in the street up ahead, you know by the crowd of the people you must turn right, and so you do. There, before you, is a mass of colorful umbrellas and people. . .the smell hits you like a summer county fair. . .but you aren't smelling funnel cakes and pork products. . .it is a myriad of fish smells. . .shell fish to trout. . .nothing rotting but definitely baking in the hot sun. Sweat from folks mingles with the fish as well as the musky sense of diesel and gas from the cars. You make your way down the street, bewitched by the sights of octopus and snails. . .enchanted by the hand painted pots. . .delighted by the yards of colorful fabrics. People swish, food sizzles, and life permeates. You wander. . .you gaze. . .you laugh. . .too intimidated to purchase a thing, until you come across that one thing you must have. . .and then you figure it out. . .

That's the best I can do. It was an amazing day. I finished it up with Indian food and good conversation.

And today, was no exception. My students are amazing. . .they make me crazy, but the things they accomplish inspire me. . .the fact that they can read english, and not only read it but answer some pretty hard questions regarding the universe and memory (because I'm that kind of teacher) astounds me.

Needless to say I am lucky. I am fascinated. I am blessed. Once again, I find myself overwhelmed by it all. . .

and so my sweet furry friends. . .all i can leave you with is a bit of emily. . .

"to live is so startling, it leaves little time for anything else" --dickinson

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