". . .stories don't mean anything when you've got no one to tell them to. . ."

Friday, July 16, 2010

kiss me! I'm blogging!

hello furry friends. . .i do hope your realities and alter-realites are treating you well. . .

mine are good. . .thanks for asking.

so the rain begins. . .


The sky has opened, and down comes the rain. Down and down it comes. . when it will stop no one knows. . .and I will have to keep borrowing umbrellas left behind by kids, until it stops, or I decide to stop being cheap and actually buy one.

Cheap. . .this is an interesting concept I've been contemplating, so let's explore it for a moment. I consider myself a conservative spender. Buy the necessities, pay the bills, and save. I don't like to spend money. . .but I have noticed strange idiosyncrasy. . .

I enjoy life (a lot). . .and life, well it takes money. I've never had a lot of money. . .I don't ever plan on having a lot of money. . .like most people I know, I hate money. However, I find that when it comes to actual life. . .I do not allow money to be an obstacle.

I realize this is dangerous. . .but let's consider the facts.

I wanted to go to college. . .no one had the money. . .I made it happen through scholarships and loans.

I wanted to go to New Zealand. . .I had a credit card. . .whilst in NZ I wanted to bungee jump, three jumps in one day that included the tallest jump in the world. . .I had a credit card. . .I wanted to go sledging (look it up). . .I had a credit card. . .I wanted to hike the Milford. . .I had a credit card. . .I wanted to . . . well you get the picture. . .

Did I regret any of those purchases even after I got back and had to work day in and day out while living with my parents to pay them off??. . .Nope. . .I think maybe only a handful of people can say they peed in a port-a-potty on a cliff, in a place called Mullet Bay. . .and yes that moment was worth the grueling hours of making sandwiches at a pretentious eatery called Soby's during the day and catering to rich assholes at night. . .absolutely. . .

This is a simple example. . .but I find things continually happen in which I do not live by my own cheap standards. I think life is supposed to be an experience, and well money, the devil's play thing, helps make those experiences happen. . .BUT. . .

lack of money makes them happen too. . .some of my other best moments in life have been when I had barely any money. . .for instance. . .slept in a hammock right by the ocean on a tiny island called Bastimientos off the coast of Panama for $2 because I had no money. To this day, it is my best sleep ever!

Also, I don't like when people around me are worried about money, so I find myself spending money on their good time. . .because for me, the people around me are what make the experience worth while. . .a shared moment is my favorite type of moment. . .

So this money-life philosophy leaves me always just getting by in the world. I don't own much--books, a computer and knick-knacks from travel--I am always struggling financially. . .

So, I find myself in this interesting situation. . .I am getting paid well, I have a comfortable place to stay. . .bills are being paid, money is being saved, and yet I am not in dire straits (heh-heh, that's a band!). . .I am wondering what to do. Currently, I buy the people around me, who are on budgets, a beer, or two or three. . .and I love doing it.

hmmmmmm. . .no conclusion. . .just an exploration into the cheapness and expenses of my life. . .

is it bad that I don't own anything more than books, a computer and knick-knacks?? It is just me after all. . .and things will change when I am responsible for people other than myself.

I find myself in a funny sort of life. . .who knew. . .the girl who couldn't talk to anyone, who hated to have people even to notice her, and who silently cried the first time she spent the night away from her family would end up in Korea miles away from anyone and anything familiar discussing money on a blog no one really reads. . .

I love my life. I love the people in it. I adore many experiences. I abhor many experiences. It is all grand by me.

Now I ask you. . .do you find yourself in a funny sort life?? Do you find yourself in a funny sort of blog?? I think I know the answer to one of those. . .

So, I leave you tonight with Robert Frost. . .a poet after my own heart. . .

Never ask of money spent
Where the spender thinks it went.
Nobody was ever meant
To remember or invent
What he did with every cent.

Sleep sweet, love hard, and enjoy every excruciating minute of this thing we call life, my fine furry friends.

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