". . .stories don't mean anything when you've got no one to tell them to. . ."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

a countdown begins

Here I am back at home. . .

New York was amazing. The theatre intensive extraordinary. Oddly enough being fully immersed in Shakespeare solidified my desire to go to Korea. I now know I made the right choice.
How? You ask. . .How can studying Shakespeare make you want to go live in a foreign country where you will most likely be away from all things theatre? Or maybe you are asking why you decided to wear that shirt you have on. . .but since this blog is about me and my choices. . .

Shakespeare's plays are universal. . .it's something we hear all the time. He had this uncanny way of presenting life in its purest form, there is no hobbly-gook gunking it up. Actors aren't forced to wander through the text trying to find meaning. Instead the rhythm, the words, even the choice of letters guides them into their character's emotions and minds. It is quite exquisite. Being immersed in such an amazing form of language, surrounded by people from all over, and being taught by a woman with extraordinary tales of lessons and adventures, I found myself in a state of awe and anticipation of the world around me. I've said it a million times. . .my experiences whether they be good or bad or mediocre feed my art, and the experience of full immersion into another culture is just not one I can pass by. I know I need it. . .why? I don't know, but I usually don't, and find comfort in that.

With that said. . .I leave in two weeks.

Fear is creeping through my veins and he is being fed by doubt and uncertainity. Traditional pre-adventure jitters mind you. . .but I'm not going to another country for three weeks or even three months. . .this is a year. A YEAR. One whole year. (again my preoccupation with time--this is truly a new development in my psychosis)

Still, I am impassioned.
(clearly, my duality disorder is in full swing)

I have a lot to get done, and a lot of people to see. I kept thinking I had more time here at home, so I didn't put special emphasis on seeing people. . .and now I may miss out on reconnecting with people I hoped to connect with. Alas, the old tenet "live today like it's your last" sneaks up on me. . .and it's funny because I do try to do just that--in each of my plans for my next life step--which is so not the point of the tenet. I should always be in the moment. . .mindfulness. . .mindfulness. . .mindfulness. . .wherever you are, that's where you are.

Hmm. . .that paragraph offers an interesting insight that doesn't make any sense right now, but I believe it is a burgeoning epiphany (yes, there is such a thing in my world).

No definite closure today, but then again, there never really is with life. . .

and so I leave you with a quote from my friend (who is in the midst of an existentialist period right now). . ."there are no right or wrong choices. . .just choices. . .the "wrong" surfaces from a lack of commitment to the choice." (it was something like that any way).

Be well my furry friends. . .and if you don't think you're furry, have a look at your arms and your head. . .

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