". . .stories don't mean anything when you've got no one to tell them to. . ."

Monday, January 11, 2010


I must make it known that this blog is not meant to be profound in any way. It is simply a gathering place for words, ideas or tales that I have at any given moment. It is important to tell stories and share adventures, and for me, doing so allows me to organize and clarify my own understanding and experiences of the world.

One of my first adventures away from home was living in New York City. I didn't know anyone, I didn't know what I was doing, I just felt compelled to go, so I did. . .at the ripe old age of 19. It was scary, unpredictable and life altering. I would do every part of it again (even the terrifying moment on Houston street with the turrets guy who chose me to unleash his tormented mind to), but the most frustrating part of the experience was that I had no one to share it with. This was the time before everyone and their dog had a cell phone, and I certainly didn't have a pc. The only way to share an experience with anyone was to use a payphone, dial in 20 numbers for a calling card, and then hopefully the person would be home on the other line. Or go wait in line at the library and email people--but there was no instant connection with that option.

Now we live in a world of instant. . .something fun happens and I want you to be a part of the moment, all I have to do is call you or text you, or I can tweet all my friends and update my facebook. In sharing it, the moment becomes even richer and greater to remember. I want to embrace this new technology because even though many people are telling us it isolates us, I think in many ways it brings us together. Our friends' lives are at our fingertips--even if they are across the ocean, as long as they are constantly updating, I know how their lives are going.

It looks as though I am about to embark on a new travel adventure. . .I am completely scared and feel that I lack the skills to do it, but with the ability to blog and share my experiences as they happen I won't feel alone in the adventure because someone somewhere could be reading--perhaps even my family.

The writing will be scattered, disillusioned, and sophmoric at times. . .when it is not that, it may border on deep and intellectual. . .but I am not aiming for the profound. . .I am aiming for the understanding of myself and the world, and why I am doing so in a microcosmic corner of the internet I don't know. . .I just feel compelled.

So, today I embrace the quote of Socrates: "wisest is he who knows he does not know"

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