". . .stories don't mean anything when you've got no one to tell them to. . ."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

a blog within a blog

Forgive me internet, it's been weeks since my last confession. . .

I have only one confession. . .I find blogging narcissistic--because it is. . .ooh, I am so deep and profound. . .but I think that is why I haven't done it in a while. . .I feel, I dunno, egotistical. . .

I come to this vacant page in cyberspace, fill it with my ramblings, and post it for all the world to see. Then, I post it onto my equally vainglorious Facebook page to ensure people know about it.

Perhaps, I am not as humble as I think I am.

I do like to hear myself write.

. . .even more so, I adore writing sentences that make no sense. . .

The things you ponder while living in Korea. . .ah yes, Korea. . .let's get on to that, shall we? Or you can simply stop reading here. . .your choice, but don't you want to know about the orangutan? Read on. . .

Simply put--I am enchanted with Korea.

I admit, I was not sure at first. I felt overwhelmed and very unsure. The language--frustrating, the culture--intimidating, the ex-pat scene--typical and somewhat nauseating. The isolation from all my physical and familial comforts forced my introverted self to come out swinging (I appreciate the oxymoronic image in this last statement, and am keeping it on flibbertygibbit principle).

But time slowly went forward and so did I. . .

I have friends, have had some adventures, and I find myself venturing more often than usual. And in doing so, am growing to love this place.

The people here are incredible.

Last night, two friends prepared a traditional Chuesok (Korean Thanksgiving) meal, which consisted of shark, kimchi pancake, rice dumplings, something delicious wrapped in egg, and bi-bim-bap. The conversation was decadent and entertaining, and I found myself walking away quite content.

When language is limited, simple conversation becomes an event. Especially for me. Words are chosen carefully, ideas become fuller. Always looking for the precise word to perfectly clarify the meaning. I feel at times like it is an olympic sport. It is truly delicious. . .and daunting.

I have only made it out of Daegu once. . .and that was to go to the Haesina Temple, which is gorgeous and well worth the journey.

My lack of travel bothered me at first. . .how dare I be in this new part of the world and not explore every second of every moment??!?! But, the thing is. . every day is a new discovery--and I don't mean that in the cliched-mystical-hippy way (blah!). . .I mean, that every day, I find out something new. . .for example, I recently discovered the museum--so cool! And before that, I learned that in order to buy produce, you must first give it to the little man who puts it in a bag and then gives you a number--you cannot simply take an apple to the cash register. . .this causes the whole system to shut down and people to vocalize their frustration at you in seemingly incomprehensible utterances. . .(I'm just saying)

Also, I really like to chill at home. . .in my own space. . .MY OWN SPACE. . .have not had that for ages. . .and I relish it.

I do have a trip to Busan planned for next weekend, and a trip down to an island where some friends live. . .so I am getting out there. . .

I think I needed a period of adjustment.

Some other snippets from the goings on in my life here. . .

Every day I stop in at the Caffe Bene and see my sweet little crew of baristas. . .they ask me how my day is, and say things like "you are my friend." and "enjoy. delicious." They make me happy.

I found a lovely restaurant that serves up a mean pig spine soup, that nourishes and cleanses. . .

The heat is dwindling, and cooler air is on the horizon. . .

I've learned three chords on the guitar. . .

I am running six days a week, and hiking/walking on the seventh day. . .

My students give me the giggles on a daily basis. . .on a critical thinking project last week, they had to design a tomb for a pharaoh--complete with security features. One group designed a tomb that lived in the ocean, the section on the surface was shaped like poo and had an odor. In the top of the "poo" was a fake mummy-pharaoh, and the real one was stored at the bottom, which was 100 meters below the water's surface. . .it had a maze, and a three-headed snake. The drawing is impeccable, and will be going on my wall in my future house.

Also, I had an amazing performance theory moment. . .we were discussing whether or not words mean something if there is no action to back them up. . .and I brought up the ideas of J.L. Austin's--How To Do Things with Words--and his concept that words do perform. For example, saying "I do" at a marriage ceremony. . .simply saying those words change your state of being. Not metaphorically, but truly. . .uttering those two words in ceremony change your status. . .(it's more complicated than that. . you should check it out). . .either way, I explained the simple form to my students, and they got it! It was a really cool moment. . .

I got to be in a play with the Daegu Theatre Troupe. . .

Perform a monologue. . .

Coach a friend into an amazing performance of his own. . .

And create a theatre program at the school. . .and the kids were amazing.

So, I am in Korea and I am still able to make theatre central to my life, not only that, but I am allowing new experiences into my life to help shape my art.

So, I guess these snippets, and random thoughts culminate to the following life conclusion in this moment:

I am still an artist. . .I thought, for a time, I had put that aspect of myself on hold. . .
But I didn't. . .I can't. . .and I am relieved to know that.

So, I guess these narcissistic inclinations that cause me to blog also allow me discover bits about myself I didn't know before--and all I had to do was fill yet another small micro-section of this infinite internet space. . .that's positive for me, and I hope in a small way for you. . .

My furry friends. . .two quotes. . .as sleep beckons me. . .

"if a man knew anything, he would sit in a corner and be modest; but he is such an ignorant peacock, that he goes bustling up and down, and hits upon extraordinary discoveries." --R.W. Emerson

"in wisdom gathered over time, I find that every experience is a form of exploration" --Ansel Adams

Play on. . .Game on. . .Party on. . .

Oh, and about the Orangutan. . .um, read Murders in the Rue Morgue. . .*grin*

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